Another lovely one from D&B Schmitt : Wild Pony 🐴 is a surprising fruit driven clean orange wine with refreshing energetic pineapple-like acidity. It flourishes in the glass with a strong citrus reference in the direction of smooth canned tangerines with young apricots, a bit of orange and yellow apple, some neutral tropical tones like under ripe carambola or the still green zest of young mango, and maybe a distant floral hint of acacia. Some subtle fruity yeast makes it lively, without becoming too funky, leaving enough room for the mineral undertone to come forward. It is remarkable that even though the wine was aged in oak for a year there are barely any masking tertiary tones making it really all about fruit. The wine also matured under the flor, without any oxidative aromatic associations.
The name of the wine has a nice story too. When Bianka Schmitt was living in Budapest there was a stoner rock band with a solo guitarist that made a song for his girlfriend called “Wild Pony”🐴, because she was a bit like that. Back then when Bianka was still in her 20’s and in the last year of her oenology study, she really liked the song and had the wish to make a wine one day, like this song and call it Wild Pony. In 2015 this became reality when the first vintage of Wild Pony was released. 🔥